SEE the UNSEEN: Meet Technical Environment Artist, YURIE
Welcome to our employee spotlight where we feature members from our team, sharing their insights, perspectives and their stories about how they got into the industry. In this feature, we sit down with Yurie : Technical Environment Artist at UNSEEN and learn about her journey into video games.
UNSEENのアーティストたちがゲーム業界に入ったきっかけ、洞察力、考え方などをご紹介するコーナー"SEE the UNSEEN".
今回は、Technical Environment Artistの Yurie さんにビデオゲームの世界に入ったきっかけについてインタビューしました。
My name is Yurie, and I am a Technical Environment Artist based in Tokyo. While I grew up in this bustling city, I embarked on a seven-year journey in Canada. During my time there, I resided in both Vancouver and Montreal, where I started my career in the industry. Since returning to Tokyo in 2023, I’ve channelled my skills and passion into exciting projects at UNSEEN!
▲ Kyoto at Night
▲ 夜の京都
▲ Shinjuku Station - Personal Work
▲ 新宿駅 - 個人作品
▲ Steampunk Train - Personal Work
▲ スチームパンク列車 - 個人作品
I find inspiration in the quality of ambiguity. One great example is entertainment with a strong sense of mystery. When I was in middle school, I became hooked on mystery novels and read all of Alice Arisugawa's works. Whether it's in games or manga, anything with a touch of mystery never fails to excite me. Lately, I've been obsessed with the anime "Summer Time Rendering".
▲ Summer Time Rendering
▲ サマータイムレンダ
▲ The Moai Island Puzzle by Alice Arisugawa
▲ 孤島パズル by 有栖川有栖
Being in a lively place also energizes me, and the presence of people sparks inspiration. Changing my environment clears my mind and invites fresh ideas to flow freely. The combination of great space design and new places fuels my creativity.
▲ At a historic Montreal bank repurposed as a classy café
▲ モントリオールの歴史的な銀行を改装してできたおしゃれなカフェ
▲ Also the most gorgeous café in Canada
▲ カナダで最も雰囲気のあるカフェでもあります
▲ Heavy Rain
▲ Mega Man Battle Network
▲ バトルネットワーク ロックマンエグゼ
I like games of various genres, but story-driven games tend to stay with me. I especially like "Heavy Rain" and thought the person who came up with the Japanese subtitle "Kokoro no Kikuimu Toki" (= When the Heart Creaks) was a genius, as it captures the whole mood in one sentence so perfectly. I also like to play freely in an open world like Genshin Impact, and recently I have been immersing myself in "The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt”, enjoying adventures in the vast world. "Gwent" is one of my favorite card games as well. If I had to pick one from retro games, it would be the "Mega Man Battle Network”. The thrilling sensation I experienced back then is still vivid in my mind, and it is a major driving force in my desire to bring this kind of experience to the world through game development.
様々なジャンルのゲームが好きですが、物語作りに特化したゲームは自分の心に残りやすいです。特に「Heavy Rain」が好きで「心の軋むとき」という日本語サブタイトルは一文で完璧に雰囲気を捉えていて、これを思いついた人は天才だと思いました。原神のようにオープンワールドで自由にプレイするのも好きで、最近は「The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt」に没頭していて、広大な世界での冒険を楽しんでいます。またグエントも大好きなカードゲームのひとつですね。さらにお気に入りのレトロゲームをひとつあげるのであれば「ロックマンエクゼ」です。このシリーズは今でも当時の刺激的な感覚が鮮明に残っていて、ゲーム開発を通じてこういう経験を世界に届けたいという気持ちの大きな原動力になっています。
I found Ikumi's vision of valuing individuality and creativity to be truly wonderful. It was a perfect fit for me, having spent my teenage years in Japan and gained professional experience abroad.
Gaming has been a part of my life since I was a child, and even during the university exam period when I had the least amount of free time in my life, watching game streams during my lunch break was my daily routine and the best entertainment. This may sound unusual, but looking back now, it was an injury that led me to consider game development as a career. One time I suffered a serious leg injury while skiing and was hospitalized for several months. The rehabilitation was so painful, I had to play Tetris in my head to calm myself down😂. When the pain subsided, I learned Javascript on the computer I had brought with me and made my own Tetris, which led me to pursue a career in the game industry. (I have returned to skiing by the way!)
▲ Nintendo helped me through the pain!
▲ 痛みは任天堂で乗り越えました!
Japanese society has many cultural checklists that determine the conduct of things. Many of them are practical and help maintain order and make society better. Whenever I returned to Japan, I am deeply impressed by how evident that is, even in the cleanliness of the streets.
However, when it comes to the efficiency and comfort of working in a team, we must carefully consider which rules are genuinely beneficial. Some may be just customary and need re-evaluation. For instance - during my time working in Canada, I noticed a unique aspect of workplace culture: the traditional distinction between senpai (senior) and kohai (junior) was remarkably less pronounced. While Decision-making and ownership are different stories, age and years of experience held minimal influence on the weight of your input. As a result, the focus tends to center on the content and value of what was being said. This created an environment where everyone's ideas and perspectives were treated with equal respect and genuine appreciation.
Also, the best way to maximize one’s performance is often known best by the individual themselves. Though achieving a complete adoption of this working approach may take time, we can strive to come as close as possible to the ideal. This is why it’s important to be tolerant of others’ needs and communicate our own needs while remaining mindful of the collective consciousness. UNSEEN is an international studio that unites artists from diverse backgrounds, drawing together people who resonate with these cultures and approaches. I believe this dynamic allows us to naturally foster an environment of even deeper respect for them.
▲ Getting ready to ski in Quebec City
▲ ケベックシティでスキー準備中
I found Ikumi's vision of valuing individuality and creativity to be truly wonderful. It was a perfect fit for me, having spent my teenage years in Japan and gained professional experience abroad. Even after joining the company, I have been able to witness the steady realization of that vision, and each member of the team serves as a source of inspiration for me, motivating me to give my best. I would like to take this opportunity to share one of my initial interactions with Ikumi. I’m born deaf in one ear, so I try to share this with people I met in case I ignore them unintentionally. During a casual conversation, I mentioned it, and I remember her saying, "People like you always excel in other ways. I would love to see you unleash that aspect at UNSEEN as well." I’ve had similar conversations many times, but it was the first time someone expressed it like that right off the bat. It is precisely because of Ikumi's nature that the team feels motivated to continue supporting each other going forward.
▲ A photo from a trip to Kyoto
▲ 京都旅行での1枚
▲ A photo from a trip to Banff, Canadian Rockies
▲ バンフでの一枚,カナディアン・ロッキー
What do you hope to bring to UNSEEN?
I have witnessed the growth of a small studio before. Through my experiences in North America, I have come to realize the importance of striking a balance between creating an environment where developers can thrive in crafting games and creating the best games that capture players' hearts. At UNSEEN, I aspire to contribute further to building a studio where both aspects can be pursued. However, I also recognize the significance of adhering to some of the social rules in Japan, as they form the foundation of my own moral values. I hope to find a way to skilfully incorporate the best elements from both worlds and strike a harmonious balance.
What advice would you give to someone looking to follow a similar path?
I believe that when listening to others, it is important to do so with an open mind but take their words with a grain of salt. The most creative endeavors are what’s deeply personal to oneself, in my opinion. Among the colleagues I met during my time working in Canada, there were individuals who seemed destined to create games, having started developing games at the age of 12, as well as those who entered the game industry after serving in the military for most of their lives. Both groups of people, whom I deeply respect, have had a positive impact on me and the team. However, the paths that led them to this industry are diverse. I encourage you to cherish and pursue the moments that truly elevate your spirit, as they are the key to your journey.
▲ Kyoto in Daylight
▲ 日中の京都