See the UNSEEN: Video Editor, Federico Capogreco
Welcome to our employee spotlight where we feature members from our team, sharing their insights, perspectives and their stories about how they got into the industry. In this feature, we sit down with Freddy: video editor at UNSEEN and learn about his journey into video games.
UNSEENのアーティストたちがゲーム業界に入ったきっかけ、洞察力、考え方などをご紹介するコーナー"SEE the UNSEEN"。今回は、VIDEO EDITOR の FREDDY さんにビデオゲームの世界に入ったきっかけについてインタビューしました。
Hi, my name is Federico Capogreco, you can call me Freddy. I’m originally from a small village in Italy and have been living and working in Tokyo for about eight years, primarily in the television commercial industry.
In the summer of 2023, I joined UNSEEN as a video editor, excited to dive into the world of game development.
In my free time, I enjoy movies, games, and literature - pretty much anything related to entertainment. Occasionally, I like to step away from my desk to capture moments through photography.
▲ Photo by Freddy フレディー撮影
I'm deeply inspired by auteurs - those visionary directors whose personal style and strong creative vision are so distinct that you can recognize their work from just a single frame. When watching their movies I can grasp their unique approach to filmmaking, with every shot, choice of lighting, and editing choices. It’s this dedication and passion to creating their own legacy through film I find very inspirational. I’m also inspired by stories that carry an undercurrent of sadness, where a sense of unavoidable tragedy permeates the narrative. I think that the sense of melancholy they create works as a camera lens and allows me to see reality from a different perspective.
▲ A Bittersweet Life (2005)
▲ 甘い人生
▲Ashes of Time (1994)
▲ 楽園の瑕
▲ Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000)
▲ 臥虎蔵龍
▲ Haibane Renmei (TV Series, 2002)
▲ 灰羽連盟
▲ House of Flying Daggers (2004)
▲ Lord Of The Rings The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
▲ ロード・オブ・ザ・リング
▲ Master and Commander The Far Side of the World (2003)
▲ マスター・アンド・コマンダー
▲ Once Upon a Time in the West (1968)
▲ ウエスタン
▲ Photo by Freddy フレディー撮影
My favorite game is the one that first made me realize—though I was too young to fully grasp it—that the world inside a game could be far more captivating than the one we live in: Final Fantasy 8. From the very beginning, I was flabbergasted. Its intro, which I still consider one of the best ever created, pulled me into a universe that felt richer, stranger, and more alive than anything I had known. I quickly fell in love with the world and its unique cities, quirky characters, the music, the groundbreaking cinematic cutscenes, and ultimately, the story.
What struck me most was how the game explored themes like adolescence, love and death, loneliness all wrapped in a sense of nostalgia. It created a world suspended between futuristic and retro, between memory and imagination. It is probably the first game I didn’t play through but lived in.
In general, I've always had a passion for role-playing games, whether they're Western titles like Baldur’s Gate 2, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic or Japanese ones like Nier or Resonance of Fate. I’m drawn to games with rich world-building, strong storytelling, and compelling characters.
好きなゲームは、現実よりもゲームの世界の方が魅力的に感じられることもあると気づかせたくれたファイナルファンタジー8です(当時はわからなかったけど)。 最初から最後まで、驚きの連続でした。 私の中で史上最高のイントロは、より豊かで、奇妙で、生き生きとした世界へと引き込んでくれました。 ゲームの世界観と特徴的な都市、風変わりなキャラクター、音楽、素晴らしいカットシーン、そしてストーリーに夢中でした。
基本的に私はRPGが好で、バルダーズ・ゲート2 や スター・ウォーズ:旧共和国の騎士団といった西洋のタイトルから、ニーアやレゾナンス ・オブ ・フェイトといった日本のタイトルまで、世界観が豊かで物語がしっかりしていて、魅力的なキャラクターまであるゲームに惹かれます。
▲ Final Fantasy 8 (1999)
▲ FF8
▲ Star War: Knights of the Old Republic (2003)
▲ Resonance of Fate (2010)
▲ レゾナンス オブ フェイト
▲ Baldur’s Gate II (2000)
▲ バルダーズ・ゲート2
▲ Nier Gestalt (2010)
▲ ニーア ゲシュタルト
I was probably around three years old when I first started messing around with the computer in my dad’s office. It was during the MS-DOS era, and one of the earliest games I remember playing was Commander Keen. I also had an uncle who was also very much into gaming, and I would often be watching him playing RTS games like Warcraft 2.
Since then, gaming has always been a part of my life, whether on PC or PlayStation. Yet, I never imagined that one day I would actually work in the video game industry - until that day finally came.
3歳の頃、お父さんのオフィスにあったパソコンに触れたのがはじまりです。MS-DOS がある時代で、初めて遊んだゲームはコマンダーキーンだった記憶があります。また、ゲーム好きの叔父さんがいて、ウォークラフト2などのRTSゲームをよく遊んでる姿を見ていました。
▲ Commander Keen in Goodbye, Galaxy (1991)
▲ コマンダーキーン
▲ Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness (1995)
▲ Photo by Freddy フレディー撮影
After spending many years as a video editor in the commercial industry, I found myself longing for a change. That’s when I stumbled across UNSEEN’s LinkedIn page and noticed that Liam Wong, whose photography I deeply admired, was part of their team.
After spending many years as a video editor in the commercial industry, I found myself longing for a change. That’s when I stumbled across UNSEEN’s LinkedIn page and noticed that Liam Wong, whose photography I deeply admired, was part of their team. Since there was an open position, despite having no prior experience in the video game industry, I applied.
What also caught my attention was UNSEEN’s diverse and cross-cultural environment. It was exciting to see talented people from all over the world come together in one studio, each contributing their unique perspectives and expertise to create something truly special.
What do you hope to bring to UNSEEN?
I’m passionate about helping to showcase the unique culture being built at UNSEEN, along with the incredible effort and passion that goes into creating games by people who truly love games.
I was thrilled and honored to contribute to the editing of our teaser reveal for The Game Awards 2023, just a few months after joining the team. It was an exciting moment that highlighted how quickly I became a part of the creative process. Editing What is Kemuri gave me another exciting opportunity to show the behind-the-scenes process of game development, even in these early stages. It allowed us to offer a glimpse into the heart of the project, giving the world a taste of what’s to come.
チームメンバーとなって数か月後、The Game Awards 2023のティーザー公開に編集作業という形で携われたことを本当に光栄に感じ、感動しました。 クリエイティブプロセスに自分がすぐ溶け込めたことを表した心躍る瞬間でした。
『What is Kemuri』の編集作業では、ゲーム開発の初期段階を紹介するという、また一味違ったワクワク感を経験しました。プロジェクトの中心となるものを世界に垣間見せることができ、今後のお楽しみを世界に少しお届けすることができたと思います。
What advice would you give to someone looking to follow a similar path?
Always follow your passions - you never know where they might lead. Life has a way of unfolding in unexpected ways, and looking back, you often realize that everything is connected, even the steps you didn’t plan for.