SEE the UNSEEN: Meet Senior Online Engineer, Przemysław Majerczak
Welcome to our employee spotlight where we feature members from our team, sharing their insights, perspectives and their stories about how they got into the industry. In this feature, we sit down with Przemysław Majerczak : Senior Online Engineer at UNSEEN and learn about his journey into video games.
UNSEENのアーティストたちがゲーム業界に入ったきっかけ、洞察力、考え方などをご紹介するコーナー"SEE the UNSEEN"。今回は、シニアオンラインエンジニアのプジェミスワフ・マイエルチャクさんにビデオゲームの世界に入ったきっかけについてインタビューしました。
Heya, I'm Przemek (well, Przemysław Majerczak - I hope you like consonants) and I'm an online engineer living in Tokyo for more than 8 years now. I'm originally from central Poland. I first came to Japan for a one year university exchange and here I am all those years later. Up until now I worked with almost anything related to game servers (writing server software and libraries, optimization, infrastructure planning etc.) and how they "connect" with the game itself.
In my free time I play games. After coming to Japan I started snowboarding and it's been my go-to winter activity ever since. Because of (thanks to?) the pandemic I also got a motorcycle to try to spend more time outside, even by myself - that worked out great, as I enjoy the rides a lot. Recently I also got back into Magic: The Gathering that I played back in high school.
こんにちは、私はプシェメクです(実際にはプシェミスワフ・マイェルチャクとも言います - 子音が好きな方にお勧めです)。東京に住んでから8年以上が経ち、オンラインエンジニアをしています。私はポーランド中部出身です。最初に日本に来たのは1年間の大学交換留学でしたが、それから数年経った今もここにいます。これまでほとんどゲームサーバー関連の仕事をしてきました(サーバーソフトウェアやライブラリの作成、最適化、インフラ計画など)、そしてゲーム自体との「接続」についても取り組んできました。
▲ My motorcycle. Photo by an anonymous friend. 私のバイク。匿名の友人による写真です。
▲ I really like the gradient and hue of a sunset.
I can't really put the answer to this question into words. For me inspiration is something that just happens - and when it does it overwhelms me. For example, I like finding places that are somehow aesthetically pleasing to me. It can be nature in the middle of nowhere, it can be a tiny, perfectly lit street - I just know it when I see it. Some day I will learn more about photography composition to store those memories.
It's very similar when it comes to games and other media. It's almost like a trance - I focus on the specific part that resonates with me and ignore the flaws elsewhere. A good example would be Bioshock: Infinite. I really got mesmerised by the atmosphere of the game - so much that the actual gameplay - which is solid enough - seemed like an afterthought, even though it's a game. Another example would be the new Dune movie. I read the book, I know the story, but the audiovisual delivery was superb - so I didn't mind at all.
From an engineer perspective I enjoy seeing how something was made. I can spend hours reading or stepping through the code to fully grasp what's happening in it.
この質問に対する答えを言葉で表現するのは難しいです。私にとって、インスピレーションとは突然訪れるもので、訪れると私を圧倒します。 例えば、自分にとって美的に魅力的な場所を見つけることが好きです。どこかの自然の中であったり、完璧に照らされた小さな道であったりしますが、それを見た瞬間に分かるんです。いつかはそのような思い出を保存するために、写真の構図についてもっと学びたいと思っています。
ゲームや他のメディアに関しても、似たような感覚です。まるでトランスのようで、自分に共鳴する特定の部分に焦点を当て、他の欠点を無視します。良い例としては『Bioshock: Infinite』があります。ゲームの雰囲気に本当に魅了されました。ゲームプレイ自体は十分にしっかりしていましたが、ゲームとしては二の次に感じました。もう一つの例は新しい『Dune』の映画です。私は本を読み、ストーリーを知っていますが、映像と音の演出が素晴らしかったので、全く気になりませんでした。
I can't name my "favourite" game, much like I can't name my favourite movie or book (although I have close contenders in the fantasy books subcategory). I think games are so different and have such different qualities it's simply impossible to name just one. There are also those titles you associate with certain time or events that are good memories for you.
I can instead showcase some games from different periods of my life that I enjoyed a lot, for different reasons.
▲ The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind / Bethesda
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory / Bethesda
I was always an avid fan of RPGs - the cult classic Gothic (definitely with Polish dubbing), Morrowind, Neverwinter Nights or Knights of the Old Republic all come to mind when talking about the genre. Lately I enjoyed games made by Larian Studios (Divinity: Original Sin series and the new Baldur's Gate), even though the shouts of towns criers are forever burned into my memory and I am not "keeping it together, Bree".
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory was the king of the early days of the proper internet gaming for me. While we did play some LAN games (Diablo 2 being a chief example) or MMORPGs (I still remember the soundtrack to Lineage 2) it was this free to play internet shooter that first made me use Team Speak, ask people to play together online and basically form those small communities around the game.
Hollow Knight is probably one of the best indie games I ever played. You can really feel the passion developers had for the game.
Oh, and I optimize factories in most of the factory builders out there.
私は常にRPGの熱心なファンでした - カルト的な名作『Gothic(ポーランド語吹き替え版がお気に入り)』、『Morrowind』、『Neverwinter Nights』、また『Knights of the Old Republic』など、このジャンルを語る際に思い浮かぶゲームです。 最近では、Larian Studiosが制作したゲーム(『Divinity: Original Sinシリーズ』や新しい『Baldur's Gate』)を楽しんでいます。町の宣伝者の叫び声が永遠に記憶に焼き付いており、「Breeでしっかりとしている」という感覚はありません。
『Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory』は、私にとってインターネットゲームの初期の日々の王でした。LANゲーム(『Diablo 2』が代表的な例です)やMMORPGをプレイしたこともありましたが(『Lineage 2』のサウンドトラックを今でも覚えています)、無料でプレイできるこのシューティングゲームが初めてチームスピークを使い、オンラインで一緒にプレイするように人々に頼み、基本的にはそのゲームを中心に小さなコミュニティを形成しました。
『Hollow Knight』は、おそらく私がプレイした中で最高のインディーゲームの一つです。開発者たちがゲームに対して持っていた情熱を本当に感じることができます。
▲ Divinity: Original Sin 2 / Larian Studios
▲ Hollow Knight / Team Cherry
While I did like playing some NES games when I was really, really young, I think it was the first PC games I played that really hooked me - the likes of Heroes of Might and Magic 3, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 and others. Ever since then I was asking myself "I wonder how they did that" or "this all runs on calculations?". Luckily it turned out I like math and solving logical puzzles, so the base was there. And then (well, at least for me) Morrowind dropped and showcased what you can really achieve when making a game. It was an eye opener in many ways. The creativity, technology, visuals and sheer scope of the game set the bar high and made me understand that games are not only about the fun part, but also about expression.
After graduating from the university with a Computer Science diploma I started working on web servers unrelated to games. Then I moved to writing game servers, and then to writing game servers and the engine parts that communicated with those servers. You could say I made my way from the side entrance, as this is not the usual progression of "joining the game industry as an engineer".
私が本当にとても若かった頃には、いくつかのNESゲームを楽しんだことはありましたが、本当に私を引き込んだのは最初にプレイしたPCゲームでした。『Heroes of Might and Magic 3』や『Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2』などです。それ以来、ずっと自問していました。「彼らはこれをどのようにやったのだろう」とか「これはすべて計算で動いているのかな?」。幸運なことに、私は数学が好きで論理的なパズルを解くことが好きだったので、基礎はそこにありました。 そして、(少なくとも私にとっては)『Morrowind』が登場し、ゲーム制作において本当に何が可能かを示してくれました。多くの面で目を見開かせるものでした。クリエイティビティ、テクノロジー、ビジュアル、そしてゲームの広範なスコープが高い基準を設定し、ゲームは単なる楽しさだけでなく表現にも関連していることを理解させてくれました。
▲ Hello, there. お元気ですか。
After working on the backend side of games for a long while the next natural step for me was to finally look at what can I do to "make those characters move". I was always interested in broadening my skillset and being able to at least understand most of the technicalities of how games and game engines work.
It was around that time I heard about Unseen and the vision behind it. After checking out the website in detail - with the philosophy of generalist, not specialist speaking volumes to me - and asking around (it never ceases to amaze me how "small" the industry is - there's always a friend of a friend that works somewhere) I decided to apply and here I am, being able to not only use what I know, but also discuss game design and deepen my core gameplay programming skills.
その頃、Unseenとそのビジョンについて耳にしました。ウェブサイトを詳しくチェックした後、「専門家ではなく汎用的な能力を持つこと」を強く感じ、周囲に聞いてみました(業界がどれほど「小さい」かには驚かされます - 常に誰かの友人がどこかで働いているものです)。そこで応募を決め、こうして私は自分の知識を活かすだけでなく、ゲームデザインについて議論したり、自分のコアなゲームプログラミングのスキルを深めたりすることができるようになりました。
What do you hope to bring to UNSEEN?
The obvious answer is the experience I accumulated over my working years, but that's a given. Considering that I come from a rather different professional background (compared to other team members) I have to be the one to propose solutions to certain problems we encounter, but I hope to share this knowledge with my coworkers. If even one of them "grows" because of the work we do together - that's already a win in my book.
▲ It was warm that day.
For me inspiration is something that just happens - and when it does it overwhelms me. For example, I like finding places that are somehow aesthetically pleasing to me. It can be nature in the middle of nowhere, it can be a tiny, perfectly lit street - I just know it when I see it.
私にとって、インスピレーションとは突然訪れるもので、訪れると私を圧倒します。 例えば、自分にとって美的に魅力的な場所を見つけることが好きです。どこかの自然の中であったり、完璧に照らされた小さな道であったりしますが、それを見た瞬間に分かるんです。
What advice would you give to someone looking to follow a similar path?
Persevere. Like most of my friends I didn't exactly join the industry in the most straightforward way. I started out by writing web servers for various customer apps, but I always checked what I could do to be involved in making games more and more. It might be difficult at first, but nothing worthwhile ever is easy. I'd also suggest using all the resources we have freely available now. You can tinker with game engines, watch GDC talks, read game project post-mortems and so much more.
▲ I try to keep my desk clean and minimal - which is a challenge with 2 PCs.