SEE the UNSEEN: Meet Engineer, TAI ‘DH’ DER HUI
Welcome to our employee spotlight where we feature members from our team, sharing their insights, perspectives and their stories about how they got into the industry. In this feature, we sit down with Tai Der Hui : Engineer at UNSEEN and learn about his journey into video games.
UNSEENのアーティストたちがゲーム業界に入ったきっかけ、洞察力、考え方などをご紹介するコーナー"SEE the UNSEEN".
今回は、エンジニアの タイ・デアホエイさんにビデオゲームの世界に入ったきっかけについてインタビューしました。
Hello! My name is Der Hui, but I usually go by DH. I grew up in Singapore before moving to the Seattle area to attend university. After graduation, I was lucky enough to join Respawn Entertainment where I helped ship Apex Legends, as well as several seasonal updates for the game. I lived in Los Angeles for 3 years before moving back to Singapore in 2019 when the global COVID-19 situation worsened. Now, I live in Tokyo (technically Chiba) and work as an Engineer for UNSEEN!
As far as hobbies go, I used to go surfing a lot when I lived in LA, but nowadays I like exploring on my longboard. I love eating good food and relaxing activities like soaking in an onsen or staring at a waterfall. Though, to be honest, I spend most of my free time playing video games!
こんにちは!僕の名前はデル・フイですが、普段はDHと呼ばれています。僕はシンガポールで育ち、大学進学のためシアトルエリアに移住する前に住んでいました。卒業後、運良くRespawn Entertainmentに加わり、『Apex Legends』のリリースに貢献し、ゲームの季節ごとのアップデートにも関わる機会を得ました。僕はロサンゼルスで3年間過ごした後、2019年に世界的なCOVID-19の状況が悪化したため、シンガポールに戻りました。現在は東京(正確には千葉)に住んでおり、UNSEENでエンジニアとして働いています。
▲ As you can see from my Instagram posts, I’m pretty into food.
▲ What’s Up, Danger? An iconic scene from Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse.
調整はどうだ?危険よ。スパイダーマン アクロス・ザ・スパイダーバース』の象徴的なシーン。
One of my favourite movies in recent memory is Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. It’s this incredible piece of art that pushes the boundaries of what 3D animation can be. The movie also does an incredible job integrating the now-iconic soundtrack with its stunning visuals. These things make the movie great, but it’s the craft of it that I really admire. Watching the movie makes me think in my head “wow it is so impressive that they managed to capture the comic-book feel in a 3D movie”. Whether it’s a movie, or a game, or a book, or whatever, I’m always inspired when it’s something that really showcases their craftsmanship.
▲ I love exploring on my longboard. I saw some pretty great views of Singapore on my trips!
I’m sure this is a difficult question for anyone who works in games to answer, so I’ll cheat and give you three!
One of my favourite games is a game I discovered relatively recently! It’s Rhythm Doctor, a one-button rhythm game where you “just press the space bar on the 7th beat”. In seems simple on the surface, but every stage introduces something new, so you’re always experiencing something different. Sometimes, the game takes advantage of its simplicity to dial up the visual effects in a way you couldn’t with a more complicated game. It’s constantly surprising you, and a ton of fun.
僕のお気に入りのゲームの一つは、比較的最近に発見したゲームです!それは『Rhrthm Doctor』という、リズムゲームの中でもワンボタンで遊ぶゲームです。"7ビート目にスペースバーを押すだけ"というシンプルなルールですが、各ステージごとに新しい要素が導入されるため、常に異なる体験をすることができます。時にはゲームがそのシンプルさを活かして、より複雑なゲームではできないようなビジュアルエフェクトを増幅させることもあります。このゲームは常に驚かせてくれて、とても楽しいです。
▲ Rhythm Doctor / 7th Beat Games
Things can get pretty complicated in Rhythm Doctor.
『Rhythm Doctor』では事態がかなり複雑になることがあります。
I’m a big fan of character-action games, and Monster Hunter: World is one of my favourites in the genre. I love how in that game, they decided that “our game is about boss fights”, and designed the game entirely around it. Small enemies exist, but it’s clear that the combat excels only when you’re duking it out with some gigantic wyvern. I love the intentionality of the combat, and how every weapon is distinct and has its own unique “gimmick” to play with. I played way too much of it.
▲ Monster Hunter: World / Capcom
Monster Hunter: World is one of my favourite action games.
And last but not least, I have to mention the original Ace Attorney trilogy. If I had to pick a game (series) that convinced me to work in video games, it would probably be these games. The Ace Attorney games use amazing storytelling and pacing to pull the player into the story and keep pushing them forward. These games showed me that video games have the capacity to tell riveting stories, and that was really important to me.
▲ Ace Attorney / Capcom
The Ace Attorney games are top tier when it comes to storytelling and pacing.
Being a good human being is more important than having exceptional technical skill. You can always learn how a networking model works, it’s much harder to teach someone to be responsible, resilient, or communicative.
▲ Final Fantasy VIII / Square Enix
My earliest memories of video games are from Final Fantasy 8.
▲ Final Fantasy X-2 / Square Enix
The first game I remember beating start to finish was Final Fantasy X-2.
I actually don’t remember when I started playing video games, but I do know I was around them all the time from a young age. One of my earliest memories is watching my brother play Final Fantasy 8 on the TV in our room! I can’t remember exactly, but I think one of the first games I beat on my own was Final Fantasy X-2.
As far as working in games go, I actually lucked out by failing chemistry in my final year of secondary school. At that point, I had to pick which subjects I wanted to study for the following two years. Chemistry is one of the typical ones people would go for, but since I failed it, I thought I should try something else. So instead, I decided on “Computing” and that made me realize that I actually really liked programming! From there, I decided to go to university to study game programming, and that’s how I got into the industry!
I first learned about UNSEEN the way I’m sure most people did: by following Ikumi on twitter. I remember seeing her tweet out that they were hiring, and I just casually checked out the website. At the time, I wasn’t even seriously considering it. I mean, me, move to Japan? It seemed impossible! However, I spent some time watching and reading interviews with Ikumi, and I was drawn to her vision of what the studio could be. That’s what made me eventually hit that apply button!
While it’s important to enjoy the game project I’m working on, I think for me it’s even more important that the studio’s culture is a good fit. UNSEEN is trying to create a place where employees are important, and people enjoy coming to work. If you need to take a few hours off during the day to go to city hall to fill out some paperwork, it’s no big deal. We hire people from all across the world, and we do our best to include everyone, regardless of time zones. We also double down on remote work by encouraging people to hang out in their own personal voice channels so it’s easier to just pop in and chat about something. It’s still not quite as easy as dropping by someone’s desk, but it’s pretty close. This commitment to remote work and employee well-being are big reasons for why I’m here at UNSEEN.
僕がUNSEENについて初めて知ったのは、多くの人がそうであったように、中村育美のTwitterをフォローしていたことからです。彼女が採用を行っていることをツイートしているのを見て、ウェブサイトをちょっと覗いてみました。当時、本気で考えているわけではありませんでした。僕が、日本に移る? それは不可能に思えました!ただ、中村育美のインタビューをいくつか読んだり、視聴したりする中で、彼女のスタジオのビジョンに引かれました。それが最終的に僕が応募ボタンを押すことにつながった要因です。
▲ My spouse and I are pretty into bouldering, so much so that we did a section of our pre-wedding photoshoot in a bouldering gym!
What do you hope to bring to UNSEEN?
I’ve been really lucky to have worked with some incredible people in my career. I’ve also had the chance to work on several different aspects of game development, from gameplay features to backend commerce systems, and even asset pipeline management! Since UNSEEN is a small studio, every engineer has to wear many hats, and my generalist experience has helped me prepare for that.
I believe in Ikumi’s vision for the studio, and want to create an environment where people enjoy their work and can put in their full-effort without burning themselves out. Of course, that’s easier said than done, so I want to bring my skills and experience here to help make that a reality.
▲ I did a 42km trip on my longboard to win a t-shirt. I got home and immediately took a 3 hour nap.
What advice would you give to someone looking to follow a similar path?
▲ I had the chance to participate in EVO 2022 in Vegas! It was my first time winning a set in a tournament, ever. It was awesome.
I think something I’ve learned over the years is that being a good human being is more important than having exceptional technical skill. You can always learn how a networking model works, or how assets are discovered during the packaging process. It’s much harder to teach someone to be responsible, or resilient, or communicative. Oftentimes the stereotype for a “super engineer” is someone who goes into a cave and emerges 10 days later with some super system. There’s value to that of course, but don’t underestimate how important the soft skills are for an engineer as well.