Welcome to our employee spotlight where we feature members from our team, sharing their insights, perspectives and their stories about how they got into the industry. In this feature, we sit down with Hunter Werenskjold : Technical Artist at UNSEEN and learn about his journey into video games.
UNSEENのアーティストたちがゲーム業界に入ったきっかけ、洞察力、考え方などをご紹介するコーナー"SEE the UNSEEN".
今回は、Hunter Werenskjold の Technical Artist さんにビデオゲームの世界に入ったきっかけについてインタビューしました。
My name is Hunter Werenskjold, I’m a Technical Artist and Floridian who’s escaped the swamps and made his way to Japan. I arrived here in 2019 and have been slowly finding my footing ever since! At times it’s tough, but the challenge keeps my mind busy and always inspired to make something new!
In my spare time, I enjoy working on my own game, making ambient music, and keeping up to date with tech via small game jams or test projects. Often when I’m looking to take a break from technology or clear my head I go to onsens or shoot photography. Photography in particular is a very tranquil thing for me. As a Technical Artist, it feels somehow connected to my work, but in a more pure and natural form. The focus is on taking in the world rather than outputting the world, perhaps. At any rate, these hobbies keep me active and happy!
▲ Katamari Damacy / BANDAI NAMCO
▲ S.T.A.L.K.E.R / GSC Game World
When it comes to inspiration I am a fool for atmosphere and aesthetic.
I love when games and films present you with a world that’s so thick you can almost taste the mildew in the air and every noise signals a fight or flight instinct in your brain. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is probably a prime example of that kind of gritty environment that - regardless of age - still pulls you in and makes you tense up over some distant animal’s snarl. I feel it’s a great way to slow the player down and really get them to care about the small details of the world and the effort put into making the world feel the way it feels.
On the flip side, I also love things with strong aesthetic like Super Mario Sunshine or Katamari Damacy(塊魂) where it feels like they really captured a mood and scientifically broke down all the ways to put you in that space. Just 10 seconds of Katamari Damacy makes your body completely loosen up from the sheer volume of dopamine your brain releases. I listen to the OST at least once a month to bring me back to playing it as a kid. Bring me out to karaoke and I’ll sing the songs!
Photography by Hunter
▲ Heart Dither Shader
▲ Jelly Bubble Wrap Material
Reactive Diffusion
That’s a really tough question, I enjoy everything from Counter-Strike to Dwarf Fortress, however the games I can always return to would probably be Katamari Damacy, Dark Souls II, S.T.A.L.K.E.R., Escape from Tarkov, and Apex Legends.
Outside of games that just feel good and make me happy to play - like Katamari, I tend to really enjoy digging into mechanics, build variety, and playstyles for hours and hour. I absolutely adore spending time trying to hone in on a specific way to play and almost roleplaying my way through the game - even if it comes at the cost of being more powerful.
I believe good game design comes from games allowing the player to make counter intuitive decisions and not trying to block them from enjoying them. For example, beating Dark Souls II with a ladle, or progressing through a tense shooter such as Tarkov or S.T.A.L.K.E.R. only using a rusty Mosin-Nagant.
Recently, I’ve been really enjoying Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom and just how freely they will let you sequence break quests, come up with ridiculous solutions for puzzles, and combine mechanics to find your own way to enjoy the game. The more vague the goal and open the solutions the happier I am!
これは本当に難しい質問ですね。私はCounter-StrikeからDwarf Fortressまで、あらゆるゲームを楽しんでいますが、常に戻ってプレイするゲームはおそらく『塊魂』、『ダークソウルII』、『S.T.A.L.K.E.R.』、『Escape from Tarkov』、そして『Apex Legends』でしょう。
最近では、『ゼルダの伝説:Tears of the Kingdom』をとても楽しんでいます。このゲームでは、クエストの順序を無視して進めたり、パズルのためにばかげた解決策を考えたり、メカニクスを組み合わせて独自の方法で楽しむことができます。目標があいまいで解決策が自由なほど、私はより幸せです!
Photography by Hunter
When it comes to inspiration I am a fool for atmosphere and aesthetic. I love when games and films present you with a world that’s so thick you can almost taste the mildew in the air and every noise signals a fight or flight instinct in your brain.
Photography by Hunter
Hand Drawn Shader
When I was young, my oldest sibling introduced me to Starcraft, Counter-Strike, Oblivion, and Half-Life each of which had a highly active modding scene of player-made content. After they showed me how to install mods for each of the games I went crazy playing everything I could find. Through this I started getting really curious in how I could do it myself to make content to share with my friends. So I started learning Blender, Lua, Photoshop, Flash, and all sorts of free apps in order to start to learn how I could make my own games by myself.
Fast forwards a few years and I got really into modding the PC game Garry’s Mod and even ended up creating a whole community run off player donations to keep the servers running and support my modding endeavors!
It was around this time that I realized that what I was doing wasn’t just a goofy hobby and actually something I could do for a living! From that point I got increasingly into programming in C# using XNA to create various games and small game engines. I had a hard time deciding what really interested me and what I wanted to do, but I did know that I was growing increasingly interested in how I could use mathematics and code to create visuals in games. So I decided to go to university for Computer Science and use my time to study simulations and graphics as much as possible.
When I graduated I came to Japan to work as an English teacher for a year in Yamaguchi prefecture, then ended up working at an indie in Kyoto prefecture where I transitioned from being a game programmer to being a technical artist, and at the start of 2023 officially joined UNSEEN as a technical artist!
数年後、PCゲーム「Garry's Mod」のModdingに熱中し、プレイヤーの寄付によって運営されるコミュニティを作成し、サーバーの運営やModding活動を支援しました!
Pixelation Shader
I actually found UNSEEN through the “We are UNSEEN” video when I was mostly decided on where I was going to go for my next job. However, when I saw Ikumi and the team’s passion, the company’s strong a e s t h e t i c, and the chance of potentially joining in early on something special I couldn’t help but try to apply. Given my lack of considerable industry experience, I didn’t expect much but hoped my skill set would be able to shine through on paper and in the interviews. Fortunately, here I am today and as happy as I could ever be to be here!
実は、「We are UNSEEN」というビデオを通じてUNSEENを見つけました。その時点で、次の仕事先をほぼ決めかけていたのですが、イクミとチームの情熱、会社の強い美学、そして特別なプロジェクトに早期に参加する可能性に心を動かされ、応募することにしました。業界での経験があまりなかったので、あまり期待していませんでしたが、履歴書や面接で自分のスキルセットを輝かせられることを期待していました。幸運なことに、ここにいる今日は、これ以上ないほど幸せです!
Photography by Hunter
What do you hope to bring to UNSEEN?
More than anything, I hope I can be approachable to others. I want people to feel comfortable asking for support or new features and feel happy to discuss with me in order to foster clear communication and creativity.
What advice would you give to someone looking to follow a similar path?
If you are curious in becoming a technical artist, the first thing I suggest is to just try a lot of things. The great part about being a TA is almost any experience is experience towards your role. If you suddenly wake up and want to do 3D modeling then every second spent on that is relevant experience to your role. If a week later you want to make a bit-sized renderer then that’s also great experience to understanding graphics pipelines for your role! Maybe the week after that you decide you want to read up on management techniques - well guess what - that’s also relevant to your roll!
Another suggestion is to get comfortable asking questions and talking with others. As a technical artist, your job will always have you working between and with other departments. As such, you need to always keep your communication open and clear. Be ready to ask a lot of questions and receive a lot of questions, your job isn’t just making super cool things.
In short, talk a lot and always be looking for new things to do!