SEE the UNSEEN: Meet Lead Engineer, PIERRE MAURY
Welcome to our employee spotlight where we feature members from our team, sharing their insights, perspectives and their stories about how they got into the industry. In this feature, we sit down with Pierre : Lead Engineer at UNSEEN and learn about his journey into video games.
UNSEENのアーティストたちがゲーム業界に入ったきっかけ、洞察力、考え方などをご紹介するコーナー"SEE the UNSEEN".
今回は、リードエンジニア の ピエール さんにビデオゲームの世界に入ったきっかけについてインタビューしました。
Hello! My name is Pierre Maury and I am a Gameplay Engineer based in Tokyo. I'm originally from a small town in the north-east of France, but throughout my career I lived in London, Paris, and Fukuoka, in south-west Japan. I've been in the game industry for a bit more than 10 years and worked on titles like Warhammer 40K Space Hulk Deathwing, Life is Strange 2, and Demon Slayer : The Hinokami Chronicles. When not working I... play video games! And watch a lot of movies, anime, read novels and manga. My favourites genres are horror, dark fantasy and science fiction. I also like hiking and running! I ran Paris half-marathon a (long...) time ago and recently I started to train again with the goal of running Tokyo's marathon.
こんにちは!私の名前はピエール・モーリー。東京を拠点に活動しているゲームプレイエンジニアです。 元々はフランスの北東部にある小さな町出身です。キャリアの中で私は様々な場所に住んできた経験があります。ロンドン、パリ、そして日本の福岡に住んでいました。 10年以上にわたりゲーム業界に携わっており、『Warhammer』 『40K』 『Space Hulk Deathwing』、『Life is Strange 2』、『Demon Slayer: The Hinokami Chronicles』などのタイトルに関わってきました。 仕事以外では、ビデオゲームをプレイしたり、映画やアニメをたくさん観たり、小説やマンガを読んだりすることが趣味です。特にホラー、ダークファンタジー、SFがお気に入りのジャンルです。 また、ハイキングやランニングも好きです!以前はパリのハーフマラソンに参加したこともありましたが(随分前の話ですが…)、最近は再びトレーニングを始め、東京マラソンを走ることを目標にしています。
▲ Me during a hike in Yosemite (California)
▲ ヨセミテ(カリフォルニア州)でのハイキング中の私
▲ Some of the titles I worked on
▲ 私が取り組んだタイトルの一部
▲ My shelves full of inspiring books, games and movies. I started a retro-game collection in Japan!
▲ 私の棚は、インスピレーションを与えてくれる本やゲーム、映画で一杯です。日本でレトロゲームのコレクションを始めました!
Other creators’ work! When playing games I analyse what I like and don't like, why, and how they transformed their ideas. I like reading interviews or watching videos about the history of the game creation and the technical limitations they had to overcome. I always feel super motivated to get back to work after that! Movies and books are also a source of inspiration. In general, I love works that keep parts of it a mystery and leave space for your own imagination and emotions.
▲ Some of my favorite movies: Alien, Ghost in the Shell, Suspiria, Shin Godzilla and Twin Peaks.
▲ 私の好きな映画のいくつかは:エイリアン、攻殻機動隊、ススペリア、シン・ゴジラ、そしてツイン・ピークスです。
▲ Exploring Yharnam in Bloodborne
▲ 「Bloodborne」のヤーナムを探索中。
If I had to name only one it would be Bloodborne. It really is the game that tick all the boxes for me. An exhilarating combat gameplay that encourages taking risk, a level design that reward curiosity with optional boss fights and amazing art... and the cosmic-horror, mysterious lore that leaves room for your imagination and interpretation.
Other games that come to mind are Street of Rage 2, Final Fantasy VII, Resident Evil, Half-Life, Diablo 2, Ico, Ikaruga, Bioshock, The Last Guardian and Inside.
▲ Ikaruga, one of my favorite shoot’em up. It was originally released on Dreamcast but now you can play it on almost all consoles and PC!
▲ 斑鳩(いかるが)は、私のお気に入りのシューティングゲームの一つです。元々はドリームキャストでリリースされましたが、現在ではほとんどのゲーム機やPCでもプレイすることができます!
What I enjoy the most in my work is the collaboration with designers and artists when iterating on a solution for a challenging feature.
▲ My first console, the Sega Master System II
▲ 私の最初のゲームコンソール、セガ・マスターシステムII。
My first console was the Sega Master System 2, playing Alex Kid and Sonic the Hedgehog. I received a Mega Drive 2 a few years later and that was it, I never stopped playing games after that. I'm still a fan of this console today, so many good memories playing Streets of Rage, Sonic 3, Revenge of Shinobi and Light Crusader!
When my parents bought our first PC, I started to be interested in how it works, the hardware and the technology. I knew I wanted to work in computing but I wasn't sure about how one ends up working on video games. I was learning Java and web development at school, but at the end of the year we had to do a 6-month project. I learned C++ and OpenGL and did a small FPS from scratch on Windows. It was horrible to play and full of bugs, ahah! But I loved the experience of creating it so much that I decided to pursue my studies and joined an engineering school which had options for learning computer graphics and AI.
I started working in smaller indie companies and participated in a lot of game jams. I also learned a lot from them!
▲ Streets Of Rage, on the Sega Mega Drive
▲ セガメガドライブのストリートオブレイジ
私が最初に触れたゲーム機はセガ・マスターシステム2でした。その時には『アレックスキッド』や『ソニック・ザ・ヘッジホッグ』を遊んでいました。数年後にはメガドライブ2を手に入れ、それからゲームをやめることはありませんでした。今でもこのゲーム機のファンであり、『ベア・ナックル』や『ソニック3』、『忍-REVENGE OF SHINOBI-』、そして『ライトクルセイダー』といった素晴らしい思い出がたくさんあります。
I learned about Ikumi establishing her new studio from Twitter and YouTube. I was familiar with her work through the games I played, but I was intrigued by her vision for UNSEEN. It felt mysterious and unique. In the game industry, it is not often that you get the opportunity to join a new studio and IP early on. It is challenging but it's also a chance to be more involved in technical decisions and establishing workflows. Finally, I looked at the team members and their backgrounds and I was sold! I wanted to be part of this talented team.
▲ Above the clouds, hiking in the Pyrenees (France)
▲ 雲の上、ピレネー山脈(フランス)でハイキングをしているところ
▲ A view of Fukuoka during a hike near Imajuku
▲ 今宿でのハイキング中に見た福岡の景色
What do you hope to bring to UNSEEN?
What I enjoy the most in my work is the collaboration with designers and artists when iterating on a solution for a challenging feature. With the team we have no doubt the challenge is here! I want to support them the best I can. We have an environment where everybody can express their opinion and constructive criticism about our work. I hope I can bring valuable feedback to help shaping our first title.
What advice would you give to someone looking to follow a similar path?
Starting in game development today, with an engine like Unreal and its asset store, you can get started with a sandbox to experiment with gameplay features implementation, player character controls, NPC behaviour, etc. On the other hand, it can feel a bit overwhelming to have all of this already existing tech and materials to start with. Don't worry about reinventing the wheel. You will learn a lot when trying to implement things by yourself. Keep an open mind and be curious about other disciplines. There will always be something new to learn. Finally, team work and communication are as important as technical skills. Game jams are a good way to collaborate and learn about different workflows!