SEE the UNSEEN: Meet UI/UX Artist, Natalia Kostygova
Welcome to our employee spotlight where we feature members from our team, sharing their insights, perspectives and their stories about how they got into the industry. In this feature, we sit down with Natalia Kostygova : UI/UX Artist at UNSEEN and learn about her journey into video games.
UNSEENのアーティストたちがゲーム業界に入ったきっかけ、洞察力、考え方などをご紹介するコーナー"SEE the UNSEEN".
今回は、UI/UXアーティスト の ナタリア・コスティゴヴァさんにビデオゲームの世界に入ったきっかけについてインタビューしました。
Hi, my name is Natalia! I’m a UI Artist, with a bit twisted and thorny path in game development. I started my actual career as a UI/UX Artist in game development only 4 years ago and because of that, I’m working hard to make up for all the missed years and gain the skills and experience needed to excel in this field.
For me, the best way to relax is to go for a long walk in the misty forest and take photos of mosses, strange-looking fungi, and lichens. Sometimes, when I'm exploring a new area, I even imagine that I'm on a new planet and need to take photos of the local flora and fauna to fill the compendium. Many small creatures and plants we do not usually notice can be very alien-like! Other times, it feels very post-apocalyptic, and the poem by Sara Teasdale, "There Will Come Soft Rains," sounds in my head.
I also have four cats (and love them very much!). People tend to think I’m a cat person because of that, but communicating with animals or just being around makes me feel happy. Sometimes, it’s easier to communicate with them than with people. It might be because I’m an introvert.
For the last two years, I have lived in Finland, Espoo, and it’s fascinating how close can wildlife and a city co-exist. I’m very excited when I see deer, rabbits, and various forest birds near our neighborhood!
I also enjoy watching anime, reading old science fiction, and digging in shaders in my free time. I’m also a fan of prosthetic makeup art, practical cinema effects, and everything related - sculpting, aerography, casting, and mold-making. I’ve even worked as a prosthetic makeup artist for a bit!
こんにちは、私はナタリアです! 私はUIアーティストで、ゲーム開発という少し紆余曲折した道を歩んできました。そのため、ゲーム開発におけるUI/UXアーティストとしての実際のキャリアをスタートさせたのは、わずか4年前のことです。そのため、今までの遅れを取り戻し、この分野で活躍するために必要なスキルと経験を身につけようと日々頑張っています。
私にとっての最高のリラックス方法は、霧に包まれた森の中を長く散歩して、コケや奇妙な形をした菌類、地衣類の写真を撮ることだ。新しい土地を探検しているときは、自分が新しい惑星にいることを想像して、その土地の動植物の写真を撮って大要を埋めることさえあるんです。 普段は気づかないような小さな生き物や植物の多くが、とてもエイリアン的だったりするんです! また、黙示録的な気分になることもあり、サラ・ティーズデールの詩「柔らかな雨が降るだろう(There Will Come Soft Rains)」が頭の中で鳴り響きます。
また、私は4匹の猫を飼っている(そしてとても愛している!)。そのせいで猫好きだと思われがちですが、動物とコミュニケーションをとったり、そばにいるだけで、幸せな気分になります。 人と接するより、彼らと接する方が楽なこともある。それは私が内向的だからかもしれない。
▲ My laughing cats 私の笑ってる猫ちゃん
▲ Moss photos by me 私が撮影した苔の写真
When I think of this question, I recall the things that shaped my sense of beauty, such as works of artists like Yoshitaka Amano or anime with unique atmosphere and style, like Shoujo Kakumei Utena, Cowboy Bebop, The End of Evangelion. I love it when there is some unique vibe and style, no matter what: movie, anime, game, or book.
But indeed, the most inspiring thing for me is people who aren’t afraid to follow their own artistic path and create something they strongly believe in, even if it can be met with a lack of understanding from others.
▲ Revolutionary Girl Utena 少女革命ウテナ (1997)
▲ I think that I love almost everything about visuals, atmosphere, music and scenario in Revolutionary Girl Utena
▲ The End of Evangelion 新世紀エヴァンゲリオン (1997)
Super-hard question!
Indeed, the story, atmosphere, visual aesthetics, and audio identity are crucial for me.
Zelda Majora Mask, Nier: Replicant and Nier Automata, Persona series, Final Fantasy series, and also, I’m a huge fan of FromSoftware souls-like’s: Dark Souls 3, Bloodborne, and Sekiro. Actually, the list is much longer, and I can’t say that there is one and only favorite game for me. I think that I can talk a lot about each of the games from the list because many games have a special place in my heart :)
I especially like games that, after finishing them, allow you to understand a bit more about yourself—your choices, your feelings about events in the game, and the characters' choices can tell a lot. These are the kinds of games that make you question your behavior and that of other people. One of the brightest examples of such games for me is Disco Elysium.
I also love to play old games I had never played before (instead of fresh releases, haha) when every game was a kind of experiment and invention because there was no definition of a good game! And it’s fascinating how main features sometimes were built around technical limitations.
I recently finished the first Alone in the Dark, which was… awesome!
ゼルダのマジョーラ仮面、『ニーア』『 ペルソナ』シリーズ、『ファイナルファンタジー』シリーズ、あとはフロム・ソフトウェアのソウルズ的な作品の大ファンです。『ダークソウル3』、『ブラッドボーン』、『セキロ』。実際には、リストはもっと長くなり、私にとって唯一のお気に入りのゲームがあるとは言えません。というのも、多くのゲームが私の心の中に特別な場所を持っているからです。)
▲ The Legend of Zelda Majora’s Mask 3D / Nintendo
ゼルダの伝説 ムジュラの仮面 3D / 任天堂
▲ Disco Elysium / ZA/UM
I've been deeply immersed in fictional worlds since childhood, including books, games, and anime. I remember that the first 'big' game I ever finished was Fallout 2. I was incredibly inspired by the idea of it being an interactive world with numerous characters, stories, and random encounters. I was only eight years old then and didn't think about the concept of 'development.'
The first two games that indeed showed me how beautiful games can be were Final Fantasy 8 and Grandia II. I had a short demo of Final Fantasy 8 on a disc from a gaming magazine. When I saw the summoning of Shiva, I was like, 'Is this real? How is it possible?!' I found the full version of the game much later during my high school years. However, demo CD played a mischievous role in my life! 😈 From then I was eager to participate in the game development.
The works of Yoshitaka Amano and Tetsuya Nomura introduced me to the world of concept art. I also remember the moment when I read an article about Silent Hill 4. I was deeply inspired by the character designs and how they correlated with the concept of characters trapped in a distorted dream world. There was something simultaneously disturbing and captivating about it.
Actually, in my childhood it wasn’t easy to find games or anime, so about lots of games and anime I learned from game magazines. I read articles and had my own image about the concept of specific games. The same goes to anime: For example, they had 10-15 openings from anime tv-shows on the attached CD, and for some time we could only imagine what the anime about!
I observed how concept art supported the narrative and the game's overall idea. It showed me how the concept itself could effectively convey the story. It was fascinating and inspiring at the same time.
So, initially, I wanted to be a concept artist. Unfortunately, after graduation, there was a boom in 'social network games' in the local game market. The only type of art in demand was isometric objects/houses. Very few studios were working on PC titles, and I wasn’t skilled enough for them.
All the experience of working in social network games, those one-day companies that disappeared after 1-3 months without paying you, was traumatic and very depressing. I couldn't pay my bills and wasn’t happy working on such games. So, I gave up on my dream.
Could I have been more persistent? Could I have continued, improved my skills no matter what, and succeeded? Perhaps. We'll never know.
I started working as an event graphic designer in a mobile game studio and eventually became a lead designer. I was responsible for identity creation, merchandise, and designing large-scale studio internal events. The work was challenging and full of crunches, but I enjoyed the various tasks. But at the same time, it felt off.
I was proposed to try the role of UI artist in the same company, and since then I started to research and explore what the UI in games is and what skills you need.
Luckily, at the same time, I was getting familiar with such games as Nier: Automata and then Persona 5. And it was like: ‘Whoa, UI can be much more than just frames and buttons’. The approach for the UI can vary, but I like the idea that the UI is a dialogue with the player; it can build bridges and, at the same time, break the 4th wall.
So, that’s where it all started.
I was lucky enough to be contacted soon by the person from Sperasoft, and I’m very grateful to the team who believed in me despite my lack of experience in UI. I was told I needed to know how to work in Unreal 4, and I spent A LOT of time learning and struggling, but… ‘Everything is hard before it gets easy,’ right? The more evenings I spent doing some test implementations, the more I learned about different possibilities about shaders, and the more I was passionate about it. I think three years in Sperasoft were an intensive self-education course with a lot of valuable practice for me and many incredible people around me. So I’m very grateful for this experience. Now I can say that I love every aspect of my job, even if it’s sometimes tough to cover it all.
That is the story.
私は子供の頃から、本やゲーム、アニメなど、架空の世界に深く浸ってきました。初めてクリアした "大作 "は『フォールアウト2』でした。多数のキャラクターやストーリー、ランダムな出会いがあるインタラクティブな世界というアイデアに、信じられないほどインスパイアされました。当時私はまだ8歳で、「発展」という概念については考えていませんでした。
実際、私の子供時代はゲームやアニメを見つけるのが簡単ではありませんでした。たくさんのゲームやアニメについてゲーム雑誌から学びました。記事を読んで、特定のゲームのコンセプトについて自分なりのイメージを持っていました。アニメも同じです。 例えば、付属のCDにテレビアニメのオープニングが10~15曲入っていて、しばらくの間、そのアニメの内容を想像することしかできなかったんです。
幸運なことに、同じ頃、『ニーア』や『ペルソナ5』といったゲームに親しんでいました: オートマタ、そしてペルソナ5。そして、こう思ったんだ: UIはフレームやボタンだけではないんだ」と。UIに対するアプローチは様々ですが、私はUIがプレイヤーとの対話であるという考え方が好きです。
▲ NieR: Automata / SQUARE ENIX
▲ Persona 5 / Atlus
I’m not an active user of different SNSs, so I learned about the company only through the UI-related discord channel. At first, I was intrigued by the mysterious aesthetic of the web page. First, I watched the intro about the company and was impressed by the ideas and values shared by Ikumi-san in this video. And after working some time here, I see that all that was being said - not only words, and that is what matters. Then I started to read team members’ interviews and was moved even more by literally each of them.
And for sure, when you have the chance to work with such talented and experienced people behind the projects you love and learn from them, isn’t it worth a try?
It was a mentally challenging step for me - a new job, new team, ‘am I worthy enough?’ thoughts, but I’m glad I made this scary step forward.
What do you hope to bring to UNSEEN?
As a person who covers UI/UX, I want to help the team to make their ideas come true with the immersive and user-friendly UI. As far as companies evolve with the arrival of new team members, I want to make sure that the changes I've brought to the company are helping to create an even better workplace.
▲ A random photo walk in a foggy forest
I was never considered a talented human being, but I still want to create something worthy and beautiful. We cannot control or choose talent, and at least we can decide how to use our time and energy and what skills we want to improve.
What advice would you give to someone looking to follow a similar path?
I’m not sure I’m in the position to give advice, since my path is not the shortest and wisest, but… Don't be afraid to take a step back if you feel you're on the wrong track. Will it be easy? No way, most likely, it will be scary and stormy. But it's better than going with the wrong flow. You can also find how to apply your previous experience, even if it’s unrelated to game dev.
Learn and work on your skills constantly. Behind every fascinating piece of art, there are hundreds of thousands of hours of hard work besides talent. I was never considered a talented human being, but I still want to create something worthy and beautiful. We cannot control or choose talent, and at least we can decide how to use our time and energy and what skills we want to improve.
Remember, when you have a choice, give it up or not… You know the correct answer :)
選択肢があるとき、それをあきらめるか、あきらめないか......正しい答えを知っていることを忘れないでください :)
▲ NieR: Automata / SQUARE ENIX