SEE the UNSEEN: Meet Senior Gameplay Animator, Nagisa Miyagawa
Welcome to our employee spotlight where we feature members from our team, sharing their insights, perspectives and their stories about how they got into the industry. In this feature, we sit down with Nagisa Miyagawa : Senior Gameplay Animator at UNSEEN and learn about her journey into video games.
UNSEENのアーティストたちがゲーム業界に入ったきっかけ、洞察力、考え方などをご紹介するコーナー"SEE the UNSEEN"。今回は、シニアゲームプレイアニメーター の 宮川なぎ沙さんにビデオゲームの世界に入ったきっかけについてインタビューしました。
My name is Nagisa Miyagawa, a Japanese native who was born and raised in Shizuoka. Before settling in Tokyo as a game animator at UNSEEN, I've had the opportunity to live in both Osaka and Fukuoka. Drawing has always been my passion, which prompted me to enroll at Osaka University of Arts. However, upon realizing the challenges of sustaining a livelihood solely through art, I made the decision to leave the university. Nonetheless, my love for the arts persisted, leading me to explore potential career paths within the gaming industry.
Opting to delve into 3DCG studies at a vocational school, I immersed myself in various aspects of the field. Animation, in particular, captivated me the most. While opportunities in the film industry beckoned, the prospect of crafting interactive experiences through my own animations fueled my commitment to game development. Fortunately, I landed a position at a game development company, enabling me to continue my journey as an animator. What a incredibly lucky!
Female Knight
I enjoy venturing into new experiences and visiting unfamiliar places. Embracing the spirit of "you can't judge what you haven't tried," I obtained a diving license and explored the depths of the ocean, joined bus trips without thorough prior research, and even made an effort to read news articles on topics that didn't initially catch my interest. With the recent arrival of my child, I've had the opportunity to engage in conversations with individuals from backgrounds I hadn't encountered before, providing me with daily inspiration.
Drawing from the insights gathered through these interactions, I've been brainstorming ideas for independently producing videos for children.
I absolutely love 'Devil May Cry'! It's so cool! I enjoy action games. I'm not very skilled, so I usually play on Easy mode or Practice mode. Still, I often struggle to defeat the final bosses, and accumulating unfinished games is a concern. I also like visual novel games like 'Ace Attorney' and puzzle-solving games like 'Chants Of Sennaar’
『Devil May Cry』が大好きです!!かっこいい!!!!アクションゲームが好きです。下手くそだからいつもイージーモードかプラクティスモードなんですが、それでもラスボスが倒せないことも多く、積みゲーが増えていることが悩みです。あとは『逆転裁判』などのビジュアルノベルゲームや『Chants Of Sennaar』のような謎解きゲームも好きです。
Tenchu 天誅 / Acquire, FromSoftware Inc., K2 Co., Ltd.
The first game I ever played was "Super Mario Bros" on the Family Computer (Famicom). Fighting with my siblings over the controller is a fond memory. However, our fights got out of hand, and we ended up breaking the Famicom cable, so we couldn't get any more games. The next game that came into our house was "Tenchu" on the PlayStation, which my brother got from a friend. I used to sneak around and play it a lot. The gameplay of stealthily assassinating targets was so intriguing, and since there weren't many other games available, I kept playing it.
I didn't play many games during my childhood, and even now, I only casually enjoy well-known titles or easily accessible short games. That's why I can't defeat the final boss!
I've always had this fear that my passion for the "Devil May Cry" series, which I genuinely adore, might fade away once I become involved on the creator's side. However, I had confidence that if it were games created by Ms. Watanabe and Ms. Nakamura, they wouldn't disappoint. So, I took a leap of faith and applied, and to my delight, I got hired. Another significant factor was the presence of Raúl, whom I deeply respect as an animator. His influence played a pivotal role in my decision to transition careers.
私は『Devil May Cry』シリーズを心から愛していますが、作り手側として関わることで、その情熱が冷めてしまうのではないかといつも危惧していたんです。でも、渡辺さんや中村さんの作るゲームなら、期待を裏切らない自信がありました!それで思い切って応募してみたら、うれしいことに採用されました。もうひとつ大きかったのは、私がアニメーターとして深く尊敬しているラウルさんの存在です。彼の影響は、この転職の決断の大きなきっかけとなりました。
The best さいこう
Devil May Cry / Capcom
What do you hope to bring to UNSEEN?
I aim to create a work environment that is comfortable for many people. I strive to be approachable and ensure that there is always a response when someone reaches out. While I take my work seriously, I also aim to be seen as someone who knows when to take a break when needed. I believe that such an environment leads to positive work experiences. By being authentic, I hope to contribute to a space where others can also be themselves.
I still paint as a hobby
You're a nurturing mother and a talented animator-artist with a cool demeanor. How do you balance parenting and your creative work throughout the day?
The benefits of remote work, permitted at UNSEEN, are tremendously significant for parenting. After waving off my husband, who bravely takes on the task of dropping our child at daycare in the morning, I spend about 30 minutes magically tidying up the house and setting the stage for work. I make sure to keep my smartphone out of reach, as it's too tempting to endlessly scroll through photos of my child. During work hours, I focus solely on work to maintain a creative mindset.
When it's time to pick up my child from daycare, I dash over to collect them, and once they're asleep, I carve out some "me time." Thanks to Raul, my animation team leader, who's a wonderful person and doesn't permit overtime, I'm free to indulge in drawing, studying, or simply doing whatever I like. I feel grateful for the support and the wonderful workplace environment every day.
What do you want to bring to your child? Do you have a message for your child?
As I interact with my kid, I hope to discover something my kid truly enjoys. I aim to foster an environment where my kid can pursue their interests. However, even if my kid doesn't find it, it's okay as long as my kid can live joyfully.
What does animation mean to you? Why do you insist on keyframe animation?
I'm particular about handcrafted animation because it helps my imagination flow better than when there's motion capture as a base! When I delve deeper, I've recently come to think that good animation is something that doesn't distract users. It shouldn't hinder gameplay or the storyline of a movie but rather, it should have the power to immerse them in the work, like a behind-the-scenes support that holds up the piece.
手付けにこだわるのは、モーションキャプチャーがベースとしてあると妄想がはかどらないからです! 突き詰めると、いいアニメーションはユーザーの気をそらさないものなのかな、と最近思います。ゲームプレイや映画のストーリーの妨げにならず、その作品に没頭させる力がある、縁の下の力持ちのような存在で作品を支えるものでありたいです。
Every sea has fresh surprises and fun
I strive to be approachable and ensure that there is always a response when someone reaches out. While I take my work seriously, I also aim to be seen as someone who knows when to take a break when needed.
What advice would you give to someone looking to follow a similar path?
Do what we love! 好きなことをやろう!!