SEE the UNSEEN: Meet Administration team, Misako


Welcome to our employee spotlight where we feature members from our team, sharing their insights, perspectives and their stories about how they got into the industry. In this feature, we sit down with Administration team (aka, UNSEEN BIG MOM) : Misako at UNSEEN and learn about her journey into video games.

UNSEENのアーティストたちがゲーム業界に入ったきっかけ、洞察力、考え方などをご紹介するコーナー"SEE the UNSEEN"。今回は、アドミンチームの ミサコ さんにビデオゲームの世界に入ったきっかけについてインタビューしました。




Hi there, it's Misako! Guess what? I've landed a job at UNSEEN, and I have been working in administration to support the amazing developers. My work history? Well, it's been a rollercoaster, to say the least—haha! Back in college, I majored in math and juggled part-time gigs as a math tutor and instructor at a cram school. After graduating, I kicked off my career as a software engineer at Xerox. Here's a fun fact: Taro Kono was my colleague!


After my first marriage ended in divorce, I made a bold move to the U.S. with my second husband. I resigned from my job and devoted 25 years to raising three daughters in Florida. However, life threw another unexpected challenge my way—a second divorce crisis. Struggling both financially and emotionally, I had to bid farewell to the American dream and return to Japan. Despite facing these hardships, armed with a bag full of diverse experiences, I take pride in my ability to tackle whatever life presents. Confidence serves as my secret weapon. Here's to embracing life's challenges head-on!🥂


My Treasures




I absolutely adore sewing and knitting, even though I may not be a pro at it. What I love most is that when I start creating, ideas just keep flowing. Take bag-making, for instance. As I begin, I think, 'Why not add a little pocket here?' or 'How about some embroidery in this corner?' With various ideas coming together, the final creation often turns out differently from what I initially envisioned.

It all begins by diving into something, taking that first step. As you do so, inspiration begins to spread throughout your mind. When you find yourself stuck in overthinking and not making progress, it's crucial to start working on something. This not only kick-starts your creativity but also helps you move forward. This same principle applies to supporting game developers—taking that initial step, diving into the project, and letting the ideas flow can lead to unexpected and exciting outcomes in the world of game development.



BBQ Party




In the era preceding video games, a time when the digital realm was a distant concept, New Year's gatherings with cousins were filled with anticipation, centered around board games like 'The Game of Life,' card games such as 'Hyakunin Isshu's Bozu Mekuri,' and the intriguing 'Bozu Mekuri.'

In the realm of 'The Game of Life,' paper and dice took center stage, guiding us through a virtual journey of life. The choices of marriage, career, and unexpected events unfolded on the board, creating a tapestry of experiences that felt real and vivid despite the absence of video game screens.

'Hyakunin Isshu's Bozu Mekuri' introduced us to the world of classical poetry through a unique card game. It wasn't merely a strategic battle; it was an exploration of the meanings and emotions hidden within the verses. The game not only challenged our wits but also became a bridge to connect with the profound sentiments of the past.

Then there was the excitement of 'Bozu Mekuri,' where the turning of a card held surprises and thrills. In the absence of digital effects, the anticipation and unpredictability of fate-changing moments during each card flip became the essence of the game's allure.

As a generation untouched by digital games, these handmade experiences were a treasure trove of joy, camaraderie, and unique memories. Looking back, the absence of screens allowed paper and cards to weave a distinctive tapestry of entertainment that remains both precious and nostalgic.






The Game of Life

Hyakunin Isshu's Bozu Mekuri


Pac-Man / Atari


Let me take you on a trip down memory lane to the first video game I ever played - the iconic 'Pac-Man.' Now, that's a blast from the past, isn't it?

Picture this: the excitement building up as I sat in front of the screen for the very first time. It was like stepping into an uncharted adventure, a world waiting to be explored. The way Pac-Man moved around so cheerfully, there was an undeniable cuteness that drew me in, capturing my attention.

The thrill of being chased by those pesky ghosts is something I can still feel in my bones. But at the same time, navigating through the maze, munching on dots – that was a kind of joy that stuck with me. It was a simple delight, an innocent pleasure that made every dot devoured feel like a little victory.

"Pac-Man" was like unlocking a magical gateway, and from then on, I was hooked on the world of gaming. The charm of those early days, the anticipation, and the sheer joy of discovering what each level had in store – it's something I'd love to share more and more.

What made "Pac-Man" truly special was its timeless appeal. It wasn't just a game; it was a journey, an experience that captured hearts and fueled a passion for gaming. The nostalgia of those Pac-Man days is a treasure, a reminder of the simple yet profound joy that gaming can bring. I can't believe that I, just an ordinary user, have now found myself working in a game company, providing support for developers.

私が初めてプレイしたビデオゲーム、その名も 『パックマン』の思い出をご紹介しましょう。懐かしいでしょ?




『パックマン』が本当に特別だったのは、時代を超えた魅力があったからだ。単なるゲームではなく、旅であり、心をとらえ、ゲームへの情熱を燃やす体験だった。パックマン」時代のノスタルジーは宝物であり、ゲームがもたらすシンプルで奥深い喜びを思い出させてくれるんです。 普通のユーザーだった自分が、ゲーム会社で開発者のサポートをしているなんて信じられない。



Meet the UNSEEN

Returning to Japan after a long hiatus in my late 50s was a courageous leap into a fresh start as an individual. I've worn many hats throughout my career – from being a math teacher to working with Girl Scouts, handling hotel reservations, contributing to a nonprofit organization, managing university affairs, and even trying my hand at being a housekeeper. Each diverse job has contributed to shaping the person I am today.

During my housekeeping days, an intriguing opportunity presented itself – a call for someone to join a family with an 'interesting family structure.' The house happened to be near my favorite local bar. The thought of hitting the bar after work was a huge selling point, so I decided to dive into this peculiar family dynamic. Little did I know, this fascinating family turned out to be Ikumi's household. Juggling business, childcare, and household responsibilities, Ikumi seemed to have her hands full. Yet, she was always approachable. When I'd wrap up work and announce, 'All done! Time for a drink!', Ikumi would cheerfully send me off with a smile, saying, 'Have a great time! Don't overdo it!' I managed to strike a balance between being a housekeeper and enjoying my beloved drinks.

One day, while reviewing my resume, Ikumi looked up and said, 'How about working as the BIG MOM at UNSEEN?' I was intrigued. Starting with cleaning three times a week, I now find myself not just handling daily chores but also managing general affairs, accounting, and supporting the VISA needs of UNSEEN's developers. And, oh yeah, I got fired from the Nakamura residence as their housekeeper – talk about a plot twist!


家政婦時代、生計を立てているときに、興味深い機会が訪れた。"面白い家族構成 "の家庭に入る人を募集していたのだ。その家は、たまたま私のお気に入りの地元のバーの近くだった。仕事帰りにバーに行けるというのは大きなセールスポイントだったので、私はこの奇妙な家族構成に飛び込んでみることにした。その魅力的な家族とは、中村イクミさんの家庭だった。仕事、育児、家事をこなし、イクミは手一杯のようだった。しかし、彼女はいつも親しみやすかった。私が仕事を終えて「終わりました!飲みに行ってきます!」と声をかけると、「楽しんできてね!無理しないでね。」と声掛けするのが日課になりました。私は、家政婦としての仕事と、大好きなお酒を楽しむことのバランスをうまくとっていた。


Taco rice for UNSEEN members

Misako’s QUESTION: Hi Ikumi-san: Why did you invite me to join your company?

Ikumi's Answer:

Dear Misako-san,

I find myself deeply moved by your incredible talents. While there may be various reasons for your work as a housekeeper, I couldn't overlook the wisdom and creativity you bring to every task. You might not be fully aware of your own potential, but individuals like you are truly invaluable. That's why I felt compelled to "liberate" you from the role of a housekeeper. Discovering and nurturing talents is something I genuinely enjoy. I consider it my mission to place those talents where they can truly blossom. Your dedicated efforts not only maintained the cleanliness of the office but also flawlessly handled tasks ranging from general affairs to accounting. Moreover, for someone like me, who juggles work from a distance and faces the challenges of balancing parenthood, your support has been irreplaceable. Serving as a second mother to my daughter, you've always been by my side, providing invaluable support. Overall, your presence has created a welcoming environment for developers, and thanks to your cheerful personality, artists find joy in their work. In essence, you are UNSEEN's BIG MOM!

私はあなたの素晴らしい才能に深くリスペクトしています。あなたが家政婦として働いている理由はさまざまでしょうが、私はあなたがあらゆる仕事に知恵と創造性を発揮していることを見過ごせませんでした。あなたは自分の可能性に気づいていないかもしれませんが、あなたのような人は本当に貴重な存在です。だからこそ、私はあなたを家政婦という役割から「解放」したいと思いました。 才能を発見し、育てることは、私にとって純粋に楽しいことです。その才能を開花させることが私の使命だと思っています。あなたの献身的な努力は、オフィスの清潔さを保つだけでなく、庶務から経理まで完璧にこなした。さらに、両親から離れた場所で仕事をこなし、子育てとの両立に直面する私のような者にとって、あなたのサポートはかけがえのないものでした。娘にとって第二の母親であるあなたは、いつも私のそばにいて、かけがえのないサポートをしてくれました。 全体として、あなたの存在は開発者にとって歓迎すべき環境を作り出し、あなたの明るい人柄のおかげで、アーティストたちは仕事に喜びを見出しています。要するに、あなたはUNSEENのビッグ・マザーなのです!


How does starting something new after retirement contribute to life beyond the retirement age?

Embarking on new endeavors after retirement brings me a profound sense of fulfillment and vitality, even at the age of 60 and beyond. It's a wonderful phase to embrace fresh challenges, immerse myself in novel experiences and hobbies, making each day richer. Interacting with new people and navigating diverse environments adds depth to my life, introducing a constant stream of joy. Being 60 or older doesn't mark the end of learning and growth. I look forward to embracing unknown possibilities, challenging myself, and savoring every moment of life with enthusiasm.

My secret to staying energetic is rooted in my flexibility and insatiable curiosity. Even after retirement, I actively pursue new challenges, savor diverse experiences and hobbies, injecting vitality into my daily life. Engaging with others and navigating different environments deepen my understanding of life's richness, consistently revealing new sources of joy. Maintaining a positive attitude and a keenness for personal growth further contribute to keeping me vibrant and optimistic, and love for sake lol!

定年退職後、新しいことに着手することは、60歳を超えても、私に深い充実感と活力をもたらしてくれるんです。新鮮な挑戦を受け入れ、斬新な体験や趣味に没頭し、毎日を豊かにするのは自己成長に繋がります。新しい人々との交流や多様な環境は、様々な経験をしてきた私の人生にさらに深みを与え、絶え間ない喜びをもたらすものです。60歳を過ぎても、学びや成長が終わるわけではない。未知の可能性を受け入れ、自分自身に挑戦し、人生の一瞬一瞬を熱狂的に味わうことを楽しみにしている。 私がエネルギッシュでいられる秘訣は、柔軟性と飽くなき好奇心でしょうね!定年退職後も積極的に新しいことに挑戦し、さまざまな経験や趣味を味わい、日々の生活に活力を注入している。他人と関わり、さまざまな環境を経験することで、人生の豊かさへの理解が深まり、常に新たな喜びを見出すことができるものです。さらに、前向きな姿勢と自己成長への意欲を保つことが、私の活力と楽観性を保つこと!あとお酒かな!笑

The little girl on the left is me! 

Exercise is the secret to good health.

What does parenting mean to you, and what motivated you to become a babysitter?

Parenting, for me, is the heartbeat of life, the rhythm that defines the most fulfilling moments. Watching my three daughters blossom into remarkable young women has been both a journey and a source of immense pride. Recently, I've found myself yearning to dive back into the world of parenting. It's not just about relishing the experiences I couldn't provide for my own children but also about extending support and care to other kids.

This desire has been particularly fueled by the special bond I share with Ikumi's daughter. She's not just her daughter; she's like an extension of my own family. Being a trusted presence in her life and offering support has become a role that I cherish deeply. The prospect of imparting wisdom, sharing joy, and navigating the challenges of growing up alongside these young souls fills my heart with excitement.

In these moments, I find not only the fulfillment of a caregiver but the satisfaction of contributing to the emotional and intellectual development of the next generation.

The intricate dance of guidance and independence, the laughter that echoes through shared stories, and the warmth of familial bonds being forged anew — these are the threads that weave the fabric of my life as a caregiver once again.




My girlfriend!

On Halloween, we dressed up as Peter Pan to contribute to the community!

What do you hope to bring to UNSEEN?

Having experienced the nuances of living abroad, including the challenges of cultural differences and language barriers, I am eager to contribute to the well-being of the artists at UNSEEN. UNSEEN boasts various cleaning zones, from the expansive office and nomad areas to lounges, kitchens, and restrooms. While maintaining these areas falls within my territory, Ikumi often intrudes into my domain and snatches a few cleaning tasks away! It's a challenge I must prevent. Once the cleaning duties are complete, I collaborate with Eriko from the general affairs team. We handle a broad range of administrative tasks, including assisting with residency card renewals. Leveraging my past experiences, I feel that this role aligns perfectly with my skills, bringing me a great sense of fulfillment. I'm delighted to be working alongside Ikumi, feeling fortunate to have her lend a helping hand.! Yes, in addition to my smiles and cheerful personality, the happy elements I bring include positive energy and an optimistic attitude. My proactive and bright demeanor undoubtedly infuses the entire team with vitality, making the work environment brighter and more enjoyable for everyone. It's a truly happy collaboration!

文化の違いや言葉の壁など、海外生活の微妙なニュアンスを経験した私は、UNSEENのアーティストの幸福に貢献したいと思っています。UNSEENには、広大なオフィスやノマドエリア、ラウンジ、キッチン、トイレなど、さまざまな清掃ゾーンがある。これらのエリアは私のテリトリーなのだが、イクミさんはしばしば私のテリトリーに侵入し、掃除の仕事を奪っていく!それは私が防がなければならない課題です!笑 掃除が一段落したら、総務チームの江里子と連携。在留カードの更新手続きなど、事務的な仕事を幅広くこなしている。今までの経験を生かし、自分のスキルにぴったり合った仕事で、やりがいを感じています。イクミさんと一緒に働けることを嬉しく思います。 そう、笑顔と明るい性格に加え、ポジティブなエネルギーと楽観的な姿勢も私のハッピーな要素です。私の積極的で明るい態度は、間違いなくチーム全体に活力を与え、職場環境を明るく楽しいものにしている。まさにハッピーなコラボレーション!

I'm a big part of the event at UNSEEN.

Having experienced the nuances of living abroad, including the challenges of cultural differences and language barriers, I am eager to contribute to the well-being of the artists at UNSEEN.



What advice would you give to someone looking to follow a similar path?


In places like UNSEEN, where people acknowledge my experiences and talents, I encourage everyone to remain open to possibilities. The right person or opportunity for you might just be around the corner. Encounters happen in various places. While I may not fully grasp the world of gaming, game development has proven to be a new adventure for me, a realm where everyone is an artist, and an incredibly creative environment.

In navigating this new environment, it's crucial not to forget the attitude of continuous learning and respect. For overall tasks, a combination of a smiling face and adaptability is necessary. Given the parade of multitasking, those who can enjoy it would be well-suited for the role.

Even if two-thirds of life has passed, my advice is to focus on living joyfully now. It's never too late to explore new horizons and find fulfillment. Life comes with its stresses, but let's strive to cherish each moment and adopt a lifestyle that minimizes stress. Here's to embracing the unknown and living life to the fullest! Cheers! Oh, whoops! Had a few too many drinks again! Hehe!




Thank you for your time Misako-san!
We look forward to showing everyone the amazing work you have been creating for UNSEEN.



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