SEE the UNSEEN: Meet Level Designer, SHANE CANNING
Welcome to our employee spotlight where we feature members from our team, sharing their insights, perspectives and their stories about how they got into the industry.
In this feature, we sit down with SHANE CANNING: Senior Level Designer at UNSEEN and learn about his journey into video games.
UNSEENのアーティストたちがゲーム業界に入ったきっかけ、洞察力、考え方などをご紹介するコーナー"SEE the UNSEEN".
Hello, my name is Shane Canning and I am a Senior Level Designer at UNSEEN, currently living in Tokyo. My previous track record includes Square Enix, Insomniac Games, and Disney Interactive and some of my favorite projects have been Disney Infinity, Marvel’s Spider-Man, and Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart.
In my free time I can’t get enough good food in Tokyo, or spotting all the wonderful dogs in cute outfits while exploring the city. It makes me miss my two dogs though (Peanut and Buster) who sadly stayed in the USA. I also teach a Level Design course.
Of course I love anime, games, and movies. I have some pretty cool anime and pop-culture figures and statues. My favorite piece is a Prime-1 Bio-Boosted Armor Guyver.
こんにちは、僕はUNSEENのシニアレベルデザイナー、シェーン・カニングです!現在東京に住んでいます。スクウェア・エニックス、インソムニアック・ゲームス、ディズニー・インタラクティブなどでゲーム開発経験を積みました。『ディズニー・インフィニティ』、『マーベル・スパイダーマン』、『ラチェット&クランク Rift Apart』などがお気に入りのプロジェクトです。
“I love collecting art books from movies, games, and anime.
It’s astonishing the worlds people can create. “
A favorite from Shane’s collection: ‘Bio-Boosted Armor Guyver’
I love collecting art books from movies, games, and anime. It’s astonishing the worlds people can create. Scrolling through these books really helps me create my own unique visions and ideas. I am a huge consumer of media so I’m always referencing some anime, manga, movie, series, or game that had a moment in it that happens to inspire some off the wall idea I can squeeze into my deigns. For example, when I designed Fisk Tower in Marvel’s Spider-Man, my idea for the office came from watching Gareth Evan’s “The Raid Redemption.”
Currently I am pretty obsessed with shows like Jujutsu Kaisen, and Kimetsu No Yaiba. I also made my way through all of Chainsaw Man’s manga recently and cannot wait to see it adapted into anime.
映画やゲーム、アニメの画集を集めるのが好きです。人が創り出す世界にはいつも驚かされます。これらの本を探究することは、僕自身のユニークなビジョンやアイデアを生み出すのにとても役立っているんだ。 僕はメディアの消費者なので、いつもアニメや漫画、映画、シリーズ、ゲームなどを参考にしていますが、その中でふとした瞬間にインスピレーションを得て、自分のデザインに取り入れることがあります。例えば、『スパイダーマン』のフィスク・タワーのデザインは、ギャレス・エヴァンの『ザ・レイド・リデンプション』からヒントを得ていたりします。
Marvel Spider-Man
Marvel Spider-Man
My favorite series are Metal Gear Solid, Gears of War, and Tekken. I enjoy competitive multiplayer games just as much as huge story driven single player experiences like Tombraider or Uncharted. Metal Gear Solid has always stuck with me. From still listening to the soundtracks while working, to running around Nakano Broadway hunting down the art books it was really influential to me to try and make great games like that.
My main character in Tekken is King! The arcades of Japan will humble you pretty quick though. I’ve always loved battling my brothers and friends in fighting games and there’s something special about them that I have never lost interest in. Bloody Roar 3, Tekken tag, MK3, SF Third Strike, are among some old favorites!
“My main character in Tekken is King!
The arcades of Japan will humble you pretty quick though.”
Disney Infinity
Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart
I always told myself I would either make video games or play professional basketball ever since I was younger. I remember a Game-Pro article about schools that teach you how to make games and that made a huge impression on me! That second dream dried up real quick when reality set in, so when college arrived it was time to go to school for games! After graduating I found myself applying anywhere and everywhere! I ended up turning down an offer for a small unheard of studio, just to take an interview with Disney Interactive. The rest was history and I feel so lucky they gave me a shot! Wouldn’t be here today if they didn't.
小さい頃から「ゲームを作るか、プロバスケをやるか」とずっと決めていました。そんなときゲームプロの記事を読んで、ゲームの作り方を教えてくれる学校があることを知り、とても印象に残りました。大学ではゲームの専門学校に進学しました。 卒業後は、あらゆるところに応募していました。結局、小さなスタジオのオファーを断って、ディズニー・インタラクティブの面接を受けることになったんだ。ディズニー・インタラクティブが僕にチャンスを与えてくれたことをとても幸運に思っているよ。そうでなかったら、今ここにいないからね。
Shane in Tokyo
I remember watching the Archipel interview Nakamura-san did and immediately being drawn into the studio atmosphere she hoped to create as well as just being really impressed by her ambition to make such a rare studio here in Tokyo. She oozes style and creativity, and I felt really driven to work for someone like that. After speaking with her, our tastes and opinions matched so well, and I felt she really inspired me to reach higher in my own aspirations. Once our first interview ended I immediately knew this was the studio I was meant to be at.
中村さんのArchipelの廃墟でのインタビューを見て、彼女が目指すスタジオの雰囲気に引き込まれたのと同時に、東京にこんな珍しいスタジオを作ろうという意欲に感心したのを覚えています。中村さんからはスタイルとクリエイティビティが溢れ出ていて、こんな人の下で働きたいと思いました。 話してみると、テイストも意見もすごく合っていて、自分ももっと上を目指そうと思いました。最初の面接が終わったとき、このスタジオで働くことが僕の運命だとすぐに感じました。
Shane at the UNSEEN HQ, Tokyo
As a Level Designer, I truly feel we have a unique opportunity to help build a world players want to spend time in and drive that visual language throughout the project.
What do you hope to bring to UNSEEN?
I hope I can inspire my team with really unique game spaces that help bring out their own ideas to the game. I’m aiming to bring a lot of big set pieces and parts of a world people will remember. As a Level Designer, I truly feel we have a unique opportunity to help build a world players want to spend time in and drive that visual language throughout the project. I love creating over the top ideas and seeing my team plus those even more.
Shane, Tokyo Skytree
Shane at a Square Enix booth
What advice would you give to someone looking to follow a similar path?
Level Design has been a bit of a mystery over the years, but now it’s becoming more popular to talk about with resources are becoming more available. I strongly recommend getting your hands dirty in a game engine as much as possible and building a portfolio. There’s a great community for help and feedback on Discord called The Design Den. Cannot recommend that place enough.
With the industry getting harder and harder to break into, don't hold back with dreaming up outlandish ideas and worlds that surprise people. Level Design is as much about understanding visual scripting as it is blockouts, so make sure to spend time learning both!
レベルデザインは長年謎に包まれていましたが、今ではリソースも充実してきており、話題に上ることも多くなってきた職種ですよね。できるだけゲームエンジンで動かせるようなポートフォリオを作ることを強くお勧めするよ。Discordには、The Design Denというヘルプとフィードバックのための素晴らしいコミュニティがあります。
In our previous article SEE the UNSEEN: Meet Development Manager, Brian Wanamaker, he asks: “Shane, you know I’m a huge fan of your previous games on famous characters and properties like Spider-Man and Disney Infinity! What do you see as the biggest difference when working on an original IP with completely uncharted ground?”
Freedom! haha. Respecting IP’s and having set ground rules or guides I need to follow, how that world functions, etc is really specific for what kind of design you can try. With a project that’s truly new and your own, you can go crazy. I can LD (Level Design) anything that comes to mind that would make the game stand out. I don’t have to worry about the rules yet! Established IP’s are amazing in their own way, but I get really excited when the team isn't sure what we might build and I can kind of getting their gears turning when showing off monthly progress of my vision. Unchained wacky LD!
Thank you for your time SHANE-san!
We look forward to showing everyone the amazing work you have been creating for UNSEEN.
▷▷▷ Next time, we will introduce JOHNNY BYRNES - Technical Game Designer at UNSEEN.
Please look forward to it.
You can find SHANE here:
Shane Canning
Senior Level Designer
“Johnny, if you could bring any Pokémon to the office everyday, which one would you choose and why!? Oh, and what makes a good mission for a game? You made a lot of them on Spider-Man.✌️
ジョニーさん。 毎日オフィスにポケモンでも連れてこられるとしたら、どのポケモンを選びますか?そしてその理由は!?それと、ゲームの良いミッションとは何でしょうか?スパイダーマンでたくさん作りましたよね!経験を聞かせて✌️
Johnny Byrnes
Technical Game Designer