See the UNSEEN: Game Designer, Yuto Takahashi
Welcome to our employee spotlight where we feature members from our team, sharing their insights, perspectives and their stories about how they got into the industry. In this feature, we sit down with Yuto Takahashi: Game Designer at UNSEEN and learn about his journey into video games.
UNSEENのアーティストたちがゲーム業界に入ったきっかけ、洞察力、考え方などをご紹介するコーナー"SEE the UNSEEN"。今回は、Game Designer の Yuto Takahashi さんにビデオゲームの世界に入ったきっかけについてインタビューしました。
Hey, thanks for clicking on the article! Before you read on, it might take a while so why don’t you grab something to drink?
記事をクリックしてくれてどうもありがとう! 読むのに少し時間頂くと思うから、飲みものをとってくることをお勧めします。
Got one? Great. I’ll have one while writing this up too.
とってきた? じゃあ、僕も書きながら一杯頂いちゃおうかな。
My name is Yuto, a game designer at Unseen. I handle a variety of things, but my focus is on UIUX and game cycle related game design. I started my career as a game designer right after graduating from university, and been working in a few different Japanese game companies until coming to Unseen. My favorite genre of games are RPGs and had the chance to work on some long standing RPG series.
僕の名前はユウトです。UNSEENでゲームデザイナーをしています。 結構いろんな分野に手を出させてもらっていますが、メインの業務はUIUXやゲームサイクルまわりの設計になります。 大学を卒業してすぐ、ゲームデザイナーとして働きはじめ、日本のゲーム会社を数社渡り歩いてからUNSEENに来ています。プレイヤーとして一番好きなゲームジャンルはRPGで、幸運にも過去には歴史あるRPGタイトルに携わることができました。
Persona5R, the first game I worked on as a game designer. ゲームデザイナーとして初めてかかわったタイトルペルソナ5R
Worked on Pokemon SV and its DLCs as well ポケモンSVとそのDLCにも携わりました。
Similar to many of my peers, I love movies, anime, manga, games and traveling. But I also love cooking/eating and mixing cocktails. Hence the drink I’m having now. I was the bartender at one of Unseen’s events too!
Unseenの多くの仲間と同様で、僕も映画、アニメ、漫画、ゲーム、そして旅行が大好きです。 他には、料理をしたり、食べたり、カクテルを作ることなんかも好きです。 写真のカクテルも僕が作りました。UNSEENの社内イベントで、バーテンダーをしたこともありますよ。
I get inspired by everything that I like. So that’s movies, anime, games, food and many other things. But among them I have a tendency to be influenced by things that have a mix of different elements, or things that the “mix” is part of its core identity. I spent half of my school days in the USA and half in Japan, so that’s maybe why I’m fascinated by works of art that mix different cultures and values and own them naturally.
For example, my favorite anime series is Cowboy Bebop. It’s set in a future world with spaceships and warp drives, but it’s sound track features a lot of jazz and blues music. It’s backdrops has locations inspired by neon filled streets of Hong Kong or a middle eastern bazaar, yet its set in a distant planet. Despite the striking contrasts, the themes it explores in its story is very human focused like, love, ego, and how to come to terms with oneself. I love works of art where, cultures and values are mixed from the start, and then focuses on the inner workings of people.
Another piece that influenced me tremendously as a creator and as a human being, is “Jojo’s Bizzare Adventure”. It’s overarching theme throughout the series has been “the celebration of humanity”, but depending on the part, it incorporates different vibes and world building, sometimes including random things that the creator loves. The characters in Jojo always has their own creed to live by, whether its the main characters or a villains who only appear in a few episodes, and seeing them put it on the line always creates ripples in my soul.
ジョジョに初めて触れたときに連載していた Part 7 Steel Ball Run ”Part 7 Steel Ball Run” the part that was running when I first met Jojo
The time I struck a Jojo pose and embodied the golden rectangle
There are so many I can’t choose one!
Although I would like to name 2 in particular, “Chrono Trigger” for being the most emotionally moving game that I played in my life so far, and “Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker” for opening my eyes to consider game development as a career.
I believe Chrono Trigger is a game that brings out the best of each of its elements, such as the illustrations, the graphics, the music and the game design. I remember being blown away by how polished each element was.
I also love the story, which focuses on people who would have never met each other come together beyond space and time, and fight for their future rather than just defeating a big bad villain. Each time I recall the story, I’m grateful I was able to experience this and hope to one day create games that have a similar aftertaste.
As I mentioned earlier, Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker was the work that inspired me to pursue a career in the gaming industry. At the time I played it, I was attending high school in Japan and struggling with a sense of disconnect from those around me and feelings of stagnation about the future. I was already a gamer and a fan of the Metal Gear series so I bought PW on day 1 and was blown away by its storytelling. But as I played, I was even more captivated by the base building mode, where the protagonist gathers soldiers with similar aspirations, regardless of nationality or background, and builds a private army. I was able to reflect on my own struggles through playing this mode and became inspired to one day work with people who share a common goal, regardless of nationality or background. And to hopefully share similar experiences for those who are in the same struggle as I was.
Well, after a bit of a gloomy talk, it’s time for a palate cleanser. I think I’ll have another drink.
さて、少し湿っぽい話をした後は、口直しが必要だね。 もう一杯頂くこととするよ。
I think I was around 5 when I got into games. My dad bought an N64 along with some games and immediately fell in love with Starfox 64. It was too hard for me to beat it on my own at the time so I had my friend’s older brother come and beat it for me. Through that, gaming became a common language for me. I changed schools several times during my childhood, but every time I went to a new school, I always was able to make friends through gaming. That hasn’t changed even to this day, and talking about games really help with breaking the ice when you meet new people.
I think it sums up to the want to work with people with different world views.
Spending time in the Japanese game industry, many of my colleagues grew up in Japan, playing the same games, reading the same manga and had similar values. In order to widen my scope in game design, I felt the need to interact with with different views and started searching for a new job. That’s when I got interested in working at UNSEEN.
After actually joining the company, I'm working with colleagues who have completely different backgrounds, including the games they've played, the environments they've grown up in, and their perspectives on gaming. This diversity makes every day exciting and filled with discoveries in our development process
「いろんな世界観のひとがいる場所で働きたい」というのが一番の動機です。 今まで、日本のゲーム業界に身を置いてきましたが、どうしても日本で生まれ育ち、同じゲームや漫画に触れて育った人が多く、まったく別の視点や考え方を持つ人に出会うことが稀でした。 自分のゲーム作りの幅を広げるためには大きく環境を変える必要があると思い、転職先を探しているときに発見したのがUNSEENです。
What do you hope to bring to UNSEEN?
Anything to make an awesome game!
Of course I will bring my knowledge working in games in the past, but also my language skills of English and Japanese. If there is a company culture that will benefit the whole team, I’ll be happy to be the bearer of that.
おもしろいゲームが作れるなら、なんでももたらします! 今までの開発で身に着けた知見はもちろん、英語と日本語の言語能力、チームをポジティブな方向に向けられる文化があれば、それの担い手にもなります。
What kind of work are you entrusted with on Kemuri? Additionally, how would you like to improve that work?
I am working on various fields of design, but my focus is on the game loop. Sometimes I’m writing up Game design documents and checking to see if they fit into the bigger picture, and other times I am crunching numbers to see if you can get an appropriate reward for putting effort into the game. I love the current role that I’m in because I get to speak with other departments, and learn about their specialization.
Our team is currently in a stage of experimenting things, but also finding things we should stick with. I think its my job to organize and align these things with the team and directors, so that the players can have a fun experience throughout the whole game.
What advice would you give to someone looking to follow a similar path?
Please strive to be someone you would enjoy working with. If you don’t care about the size, and how many people your game will reach, games can be made by just one person. I think people still want to make games as a team, since their ambitions are beyond what a single person can do. Having cooperation skills are not something you can do a crash course and learn in one day, so I think it’s important to have experiences cooperating with others, along side sharpening your knowledge on game development.
If you are already working for the industry, that’s your experience and what you brought to the table for past projects. If you are looking into getting your foot in the games industry, that’s your experiences with school projects, past jobs or even projects you’ve picked up with friends. Its important to be able to communicate what your role was, what you did to improve the project, and what was your takeaway.
Often times, game developers are trying to gauge your inter-personal skills, as well as your technical skills.
一緒に働いて楽しい人を目指しましょう。 作品の規模やどれだけの人にリーチできるかをこだわらなければ、ゲーム作りは個人でもできます。それでも、チームでゲームを作りたいということは、個人ではできない規模のことを実現したい情熱があると、僕は思っています。他者と協力してうまく仕事をするのは、一朝一夕で身につく能力ではありません。そのため、ゲーム作りの知識を磨くのと同じくらい、他者と一緒に何かを行う体験をたくさん積みましょう。
既にゲーム業界にいる人は、関わってきたプロジェクトでの貢献と経験。 ゲーム業界を今目指している人は、学校の行事ごとや、アルバイトや仕事の経験、友人と一緒に行った何らかのプロジェクトでも良いです。 その中で自分がどういった役割で、どういうことをしてチームに良い影響をもたらしたか、どういう反省をしたかを伝えられるようにしてください。
Alright, that’s it and thanks for reading this far.
Cheers, here’s to you